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Ragdoll Cat

Frequently Asked Questions

Noon Break?

I work full time but I can usually run home during the noon hour to let my dog out. But it seems like Tuesdays are the toughest day to get away. Would you be willing to schedule a visit for my dog, even if it is only for one day a week?


Yes! My goal is to make life less stressful for you and keep your pet happy. My schedule is flexible and I'd be happy to set up visits one day per week.

Four Indoor Cats

I have four indoor cats. They are not on any special medications or food schedule, and one visit per day is all we would need while we are away. Would you charge me for each cat?


Not at all! For 1-5 cats, I charge a flat fee of $17.00 per visit. This includes feeding, litter box cleaning, cuddling and playtime (if your cats like that!).

Special Needs Pet

I have a cat with diabetes. She needs insulin shots 2 times a day. I'd like to attend a family wedding out of town, but I can't leave her without her medication. Can you help?


Yes! A pet needing scheduled medication can certainly tie you down, but there are some events you simply don't want to miss. Give me a call and we'll set up a meet 'n greet a week or so in advance, and you can enjoy the wedding with no worries about your special needs pet.

Elderly Parent 

My dad just got out of the hospital after surgery and is unable to take his dog for a walk safely. Can you help?


Certainly. I would love to help your dad and his dog out with this situation. If your dad is still able to feed and love her, why wouldn't we make this work?! One visit per day or a few days a week might be just what the two of them need until he has recovered.

Senior Dog

I have a senior dog who wouldn't enjoy a weekend at a kennel or boarding facility. I'll be gone Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. How many home visits would you recommend?


With more specific times, we can nail down exactly how many visits are needed. I'm guessing 1 visit on Friday, 3 visits on Saturday and 1 or 2 visits on Sunday.

On the Water

We enjoy spending time at the lakes with our friends, but our dog is not a fan of the water. Can you help?


Yes! Not every dog enjoys a long day out on the boat or pontoon, and not every dog wants to spend a day with people and other dogs they aren't familiar with. We would have to set up a meet 'n greet so I have your dog's information on hand, and then you can call me when you make your plans on the water.

Cute Puppy
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